Linguistic strategies for today’s contemporary challenges
L’evento è riservato alle quarte e quinte classi delle scuole superiori e potrà tenersi su richiesta anche in lingua italiana.
The workshop focuses on how newspapers have been dealing with contemporary challenges in today’s culture and society. The cultural, social and political complexity of today’s multi-faceted world is mirrored by a proliferation of discourses and texts that keep growing in their effort to reproduce, construct and convey a range of topical issues across many domains.
Therefore, our group will mainly aim to discuss the following topics:
– The Covid-19 crisis management in newspaper articles (the Times in the period January 2020-February 2021)-how intertextuality and popularisation discourse reconstruct and recontextualise meaning across domains for the non-expert reader.
– Environmental and ecological challenges. Stylistics applies linguistic frameworks and theories triggering a reflection on social and ethical responsibility, i.e., the exploitation of territories and peoples, the annihilation of marginalized subjects and the naturalization of destructive ideologies.
– Women and sport. Media framing of women and of minorities in sport is explained by the theory of male hegemony: the standards of male athletic excellence (power, self-control, success, agency, and aggression) lessen the skills and strengths of women athletes. What are the narratives which characterize media coverage of female tennis athletes in (translated) articles in Italy?
These topics show the idea of researchers as problem solvers, societal actors and stereotype breakers.
Promoted by: Olga Denti, Eleonora Fois, Daniela Virdis, Luisanna Fodde, Dipartimento di Lettere, lingue e beni culturali
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