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29-09-2023 h. 20:00
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Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a Foundation governed by Articles 14 et seq of the Italian Civil Code, established by Legislative Decree 269/03, converted by Law no. 326/2003 (Article 4 of the Statute), and financed by the State to conduct scientific research in the public interest, for the purpose of technological development.
IIT aims to promote excellence in basic and applied research and to promote the development of the national economy, also encouraging the promotion and dissemination of scientific culture.
The IIT Strategic Plan consists of 16 scientific Priorities belonging to the 4 Research Domains (RD).
Robotics advances the state of the art by developing new robotic platforms in hardware and software. This domain is divided in 5 Priorities: Mechatronics, Soft Robotics, Social Cognition and Human Robot Interaction, Biomedical Robotics and Intelligent Companion Robots
Nanomaterials includes new sustainable/biodegradable materials, nanocomposites, 2D materials, nanofabrication technologies and nanodevices, and new colloidal chemistry approaches. This domain is divided in 5 Priorities: Nanomaterials for Sustainability, Nanomaterials for Energy, Nanomaterials for Health and Exploratory Materials Science
Lifetech is devoted to develop advanced genetic, molecular, electrophysiological, computational, imaging, and perturbation tools for dissecting the microscopic neural processes underlying brain function. This domain is divided in 3 Priorities: Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, RNA Technologies and Technologies for Healthcare
Computational Sciences is focused on massive simulations of physical systems, repeated numerous times to generate robust statistics and data mining of vast datasets to identify unexpected patterns. This domain will focus on 4 Priorities: Development HPC Algorithms & Software, Computational Modeling, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & AI and Computer Vision
IIT is active in public engagement and has dedicated offices for outreach (Outreach and Digital Production Office) and media communication (Communication and External Relations Office).
IIT regularly participates to science dissemination events in public spaces, museums (in Italy and abroad) with workshops, exhibitions, conferences, hands-on activities.
Spazio comune, un punto di aggregazione sociale e culturale nel centro storico di Genova